1. analysis of a Project Portfolio Management Maturity in an organisation
    1. 1.options
      1. To improve PPM成熟度 :To improve the level of Project Portfolio Management of the organisation
    2. 2.strategies
  2. 1.select the organization: wandin Valley 选择这个组织
    1. Needs
    2. opportunities
    3. threats
  3. 2.1Identification of PPM maturity
    1. 1.1Identification of PPM maturity
    2. 2.As the PM,To identify the level of maturity in the organization
      1. 1.运用什么模型定义maturity,为什么选择这个模型?
    3. 3.To assess the effect of this maturity level on your selected project(s), program(s), or portfolio(s).
      1. 2是否不同的级别的成熟度对Project,program 和portfolio的影响,为什么?
    4. 4.a low level of maturity may not be able to deliver the value and benefits identified as the outcomes of the organisation’s projects.
      1. 成熟度低,处于混乱期,aha
    5. 5.Implementing Project Portfolio Management in an organization requires a considerable assessment
      1. 1.战略框架如何实现价值和效益?
        1. 1.什么是战略框架 strategy framework
      2. Subtopic 2
    6. 实施项目管理需要a considerable asseement
      1. 1. strategy framework
        1. 1.什么是战略框架?strategy framework
        2. 2.strategic framework 和实施项目组合管理什么联系?
        3. 3.如果通过战屡框架实现 价值 和效益
      2. 2.value and benefit
        1. Floating Topic
      3. 3.项目组合管理的目标是通过战略框架实现价值和效益,
    7. 组织的战略目标
    8. PMM支持战略目标,都是为了实现价值和效益,
  4. 1.
    1. 1.3P的成熟度在组织中
    2. 2.您认为组织需要多长时间才能达到下一个预期水平?
    3. 3.下一个水平和期望水平是同一水平吗?
  5. 2.PM项目管理的方法
  6. recommendations
    1. 1.为了提高成熟度的建议
      1. Person 1
      2. Person 2
    2. Where
    3. When
    4. How
  7. Implement
    1. Go with plans
    2. Check effect of Implementation
    3. Stop useless solutions
  8. PPM goals 评估可以说明项目组合管理的目标